The site of the proposed development is on land off Duke Street, between Dukes Keep and the Vita Student building, opposite Central Bridge. The area surrounding the site contains a wide variety of buildings, including a number of existing purpose built student accommodation blocks.

The building, constructed in 2004, is scheduled to close in June 2025.

Unite Students considered a number of options for the future of the building. Given the very significant scale of works required and the desire to provide a better living environment for student residents, a new build solution to redevelop the site is the only credible or viable option.

Unite Students is particularly mindful of SCC’s declared Climate Change Emergency and the Council’s adopted and emerging sustainability policies.

We’re keen to know what you think about the plans. Please click the link below.

The closing date for comments is the 19th July 2024.

Comments received after the closing date will be reviewed but may not be included in the Statement of Community Engagement report.