Unite Students felt that an arrangement of two blocks would be the best design option.

Whilst the scale and massing of each scheme was broadly similar in terms of the height of the tower and the height
of the perimeter blocks, the two-block option was likely to deliver the greatest benefits and opportunities and respond best to the site’s local setting.

Two blocks would also break up the massing of the building, and using a dynamic pointed roof form on the tower would provide a landmark building that breaks up the skyline and differentiates the tower from other tall buildings, creating an interesting focal point.

Student numbers in Southampton are growing and are forecast to continue to grow. The number of rooms in the new building will increase and the height of the tower will increase to 21 storeys, with other parts of the site at nine and 11 storeys. This will increase the number of students living on site from 560 currently to around 800 in cluster flats and studios, including accessible rooms.

The proposals for the redevelopment of the site have been carefully considered and Unite Students is in dialogue with Southampton University and SCC.

Unite Students don't want to create a building which mirrors Dukes Keep or Richmond House. The architects are keen create something special for the area using the vertical nature of the tower with stacked windows, cladding and tiles. Final materials are still being considered, but a quality look and style is desired.

The new development would be accessed via Richmond Street and extensive cycle storage will be provided. There will be no parking on site as students living in purpose built student accommodation don't traditionally bring vehicles, there is also sufficient public parking nearby. A retail unit will form part of the proposals and Unite Students has been in talks with possible retailers.

Flooding consultants have been heavily involved in preparing the plans. The site is in Flood Zone Three and the risk of future tidal flooding needs to be incorporated into the plans. Habitable Rooms are therefore elevated by 1.5m above street level to ensure areas are safe from flooding.

We’re keen to know what you think about the plans, and would ask you to give us your comments using our feedback link here.

The closing date for comments is the 19th July 2024.

Comments received after the closing date will be reviewed but may not be included in the Statement of Community Engagement report.